Sunday, May 10, 2015

Days 69-75

Wow. I can hardly believe it's been a whole week since I posted last. My school semester will be out soon and I plan to begin posting more regularly at that point. 

Day 69: when people give me tips for school work

One of the best tips I ever got was on a method for paper writing (Outline the paper, plug quotes into the outline, interact with the quotes). I can honestly say that had I not been given this advice I would have had no idea where to start.

Day 70: when computers in the library work 

Because they don't always work. But when they do, life is so much easier:)

Day 71: finished projects 

I finished my paper, book report, and article review. Whoohoo! Summer, here I come!

Day 72: the word "yet"

Yes, I am thankful for a three-letter word called yet. In fact, yet may be one of my very favorite words. This is why: I've had some medical difficulties in the past that made some ordinary, everyday tasks hard. There were many things I couldn't do. It was so easy to say "I can't pick that up" or "I can't perform that task." I've found that the little word yet can be a real game changer. You add it on to the end of your "I can't" and all of a sudden "I can't do push-ups" becomes "I can't do push-ups...yet." Yet adds hope. Yet turns disappointment into aspiration. Yet turns "I can't" into "one day I will." So try it. Start adding yets at the end of I cants. "I can't speak Spanish...yet." "I can't run that fast...yet." "I can't use a can opener...yet." Go ahead, try it :)

Day 73: surprise visits 

So I teach English as a Second Language from time to time. My Dad surprised me by coming by to watch me teach this past week. It totally made my day. Thank you Daddy!

Day 74: sleeping in

When staying up till the wee hours of the morning becomes a necessity, any opportunity to sleep in is very, very much welcome. 

Day 75: my mother

I love my mother. My mom is one of my best friends. She has always been there for me, ever since always. :) She is there for me to talk to when I need advice, or a shoulder to cry on, or when I just want to share something funny. I love spending time with her. I am so thankful that she was there for me all the while I was growing up. And I'm thankful that as I've gotten older we've also become friends. I treasure my mother. She is one of my favorite people in the world. And I'm not just saying that. 

What can't you do...yet?
So what are you thankful for today?

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