Thursday, May 21, 2015

Days 79-86

Day 79: my hairdresser

My hairdresser is awesome. I never thought I would have a hairdresser, but I've realized that my naturally curly hair can be kind of difficult if not taken care of properly. So she taught me how to take care of it and made my life that much easier. Yay for fewer bad hair days :) and she's fun to talk to. Going to get my haircut used to be really awkward, but it isn't any more.

Day 80: food

I am really, really thankful that there are things I can put in my belly to stop it from hurting. 

Day 81: clean clothes 

When the semester winds down I often find myself cutting corners. Like doing laundry. There have been several times in the past few weeks when I've gone into my room to find a neatly folded stack of clean clothes. I've done my own laundry for years, so finding clean clothes in my room when I thought I was going to have to dig through the little used section of my closet for the rest of the semester is beyond appreciated. Thank you Mom! 

Day 82: visits from family

My uncle and aunt came down for a visit this Sunday. It was great to see them. I look forward to visits from family and am thankful for the opportunity to catch-up, hang out, and tell stories and stuff.

Day 83: claw clips

Claw clips are some of the best put-up/take-down things I can do for my hair. It's really easy to put my hair up, and when I take it down I don't have a lump like I do with ponytails. 

Day 84: when things go better than you think they will

So, for my teaching final I had to watch a video of myself teaching and critique it. I kind of put it off a little bit. Fortunately, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I actually kind of enjoyed listening to myself be excited about what I was teaching. 

Day 85: invitations

I am thankful for when people randomly say things like this:

Brother: what time is our ride going to be here?
Me: 12:30
Friend: I can take y'all home if you want. I'm going that way anyway.
Me: yeah, that would be great, thank you. 
Friend: I have to stop by Cracker Barrel on the way, though.

Yay for really backwards lunch invites. :)

Day 86: eyesight

Today I'm really thankful that I can see. There is a lot of beauty around that I would miss if I couldn't see. Like the colors, the way trees move in the wind, animals, children, etc.

Thanks for hanging on through exams. My school is out now, so things'll be looking up :)

What are you thankful for today?

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