Sunday, June 3, 2018

Days 195-206

So this is from a year ago at least. I ended up with a huge amount of days left and tried to group them all together but obviously that didn't work out so I'm just going to go with smaller chunks and hopefully I will actually finish this project.

Day 195: that I don't have to be good

Being good is not my job, and I'm so glad of it because I can't be good in and of myself.

Day 196: prayers

Specifically, my mother's prayers on my behalf. I'm so thankful that she prays for me. 

It's funny how conversation topics are often repeated in other places. Dr. Terry Carter came to speak at my school the same day and spoke on a similar topic to my conversation with my mom: you are the only you around here. God created you and gifted you specifically how He wanted to fulfill the purpose He has for you.

Day 197: refrigerators

Thankful for refrigerators so our food doesn't have to sit out in the warm. Also, helps food keep longer.

Day 198: breakfast shakes

Thankful for breakfast shakes because I don't have to choose between being late and eating breakfast nearly as often.

Day 199: stain remover

Thankful that my clothes aren't done for when I spill something on them.

Day 200: my salvation

I am thankful for the saving grace of Christ.

Sorry for the spelling error. I did not make this video.

Day 201: Scripture answers my doubts

A.K.A. inerrancy. Because when I have questions I can go to Scripture and trust that He has an answer for me.

Day 202: Doctors who listen

Because some doctors don't really seem to. And when you end up with one of the ones that do, you know you will be taken care of. And that is such a relieving feeling.

Day 203: I got an MRI scheduled!

So excited for this. So glad I didn't have to wait until January.

Day 204: faucets that work

running water is a lovely thing. Running water from a faucet that doesn't need to be coerced in order to stop running is even better.

Day 205: reclining chairs in the car

because sometimes you are sleepy or nauseous and reclining chairs really come in handy. This was my brothers idea, but he has a really good point.

Day 206: someone to go to appointments with me

You know, for emotional support. Really thankful for that. 

What have you been thankful in the past year or so?

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