Day 126: a friend
I have this one friend who is kind of unexpected, in the way of friends. We have similar interests but our personalities are...very dissimilar. We do not react to things the same way (or often to the same things) and disagreements are not at all uncommon. Perhaps the most unusual thing about our friendship is the age gap. She is older than my parents. But she doesn't treat me like she is. That is what I'm thankful for. She does not allow our many differences to get in the way of being friends. And I'm so glad, because as it's turned out, she's one of my best friends. And I wouldn't want to do without her.
Day 127: fireworks at sunset
A confession: I've never really liked fireworks. And it's not the noise or the way you have to crane your neck to see them sometimes. My first distinct memory of fireworks I can recall is of watching them go up and seeing the trails of smoke left in the light of each successive firework. And I thought it was scarring the sky. I suppose I didn't understand about the smoke yet. This year it was really stormy the day of the Independence Day celebration and they moved the fireworks display forward nearly two hours. The sky was not dark at 8:00. It was sunset and the sky behind the fireworks was purple and orange. Fireworks look so different at sunset. And for the first time, I could see (and not just know) that the smoke trails float away after a bit leaving the sky clear to see the sunset and the stars. Sometimes it takes a different light to see beauty where you haven't before.
Day 128: the joys of being ill
Being ill is a wonderful thing. When you are ill you are waited on hand and foot and you are allowed to eat only what you feel like and to lie around in bed playing iPad games for hours. People make you tea and bring you ice and a bucket in case you become sicker than you are. You may shirk all your responsibilities and be lazy for how ever long your symptoms last. The thing I'm really thankful for is how my mom cares for me when I'm not feeling well. She makes sure I have everything thing I need and fetches things for me when I'm too weak or nauseous to get them for myself. So thank you, mom. I'm so glad you make sure to be there for me. And I much as I adore iPad games (mostly for their mind-numbingly, fast-paced repetitive quality) I'd rather be helping you in the kitchen.
Day 129: Excedrin (a letter)
Oh, Excedrin, thou art my one, my only. None other will do. Thou alone shalt ease my pain. I have spent time with others, but they simply art not my type. They hath not the way with them to comfort as much as thou (I thinkest it may be the presence of caffeine). Excedrin, thou lovely one, thou are the only one for me. I thank thee for they comforting presence when I am in need of thee. Nevertheless, I shalt dare hope I needest not meet thee so oft.
Day 130: vacations
Today I'm thankful for vacations. Vacations mean that I get relax with my family and I get a break from chores and stuff.
Day 131: cokes
Because they make me feel better when I'm sick
Day 132: family reunions
I like going to family reunions. I like getting to see relatives and hear stories and make friends...but mostly I like seeing how much my parents enjoy themselves.
Day 133: no carsickness
I am thankful for not getting motion sick easily. I have been motion sick only a handful of times, but it's enough to really enjoy being able to ride in a car without being nauseous.
Day 134: food swapping
"You going to eat those sweet potato fries?"
"You going to finish your pimento cheese?"
Let's swap"
I case you don't like (or can't finish) what you ordered.
Day 135: hungry brothers
Thankful for being able to dispose of unwanted food while on the road without being wasteful
Day 136: God know what He's doing
"we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" -Romans 8:28
I am really thankful that even when I don't know what's going on, and I don't know where I'm going that God has a plan and will not fail to work it out.
Day 137: earbuds
I am thankful for earbuds because I can use them to watch my cartoons without feeling awkward for everyone being able to hear a twenty-something girl watching cartoons.
Day 138: finding things
I am thankful for being able to find things we've lost. The ability to think and retrace our steps. I'm thankful that we don't think something stops existing when we can no longer see it.
Day 139: consignment stores
(hand-me-downs that don't fit + consignment stores) (time) = money = school = graduation!
Day 140: hemming in...
"You hem me in, behind and before" -Psalm 139:5 (ESV)
I am thankful that God has the power to course-correct my life if I go the wrong direction.
Day 141: lozenges
Because sore throat. Less pain. Yay.
Day 142: cold care tea
The most awesomest stuff for making you feel better when you have a cold. Traditional Medicinals brand, says Gypsy Cold Care on the box if you want to know.
Day 143: go-between
I am thankful for being able to be one of the chain links in a chain from a person in need to help.
Day 144: falling leaves
Because the wind swoops them around all pretty-like and it makes me smile :D
Day 145: waiting time
Getting places early, car trips, etc. often leave time for...whatever you have time for. I am thankful for this waiting time because I can use it to finish getting ready or read or chat or anything. It's nice to have a few extra minutes.
So sorry to take so terribly long. I have been under the weather and then out of town and then under the weather and...what's happened to summer?!? Oh, well. We have fun anyway. :)
What have you been thankful for the past 20 days?'s some happy music for you for being good while I was gone. Because I can :)