Sunday, September 6, 2015

Days 186-194

Day 186: when your back seizes up

Because you automatically have great posture and when it goes away it's easy to remember how to have good posture.

Day 187: little purses

I am thankful for little purses because they are light and don't hurt my shoulders nearly as much as bigger ones.

Day 188: snacks

I am thankful for snacks because sometimes I get hungry between meals. It nice to know that I don't have to stay hungry between meals.

Day 189: a brother

Today I am thankful for my brother (the Artist). I love him so much. He was my first friend. I love that we can talk together about practically anything. I love that we like to spend time together. And I love the way he's growing up. I'm so proud of him. 

Day 190: notes

So I have a class with M and we were going to have a quiz and he typed up notes for himself and printed me out a second copy for me and I'm really glad that he thinks of me. :)

Day 191: backless shoes

Today I'm really thankful that when new shoes give you a blister on your heel there are other types of shoes to wear until it gets better.

Day 192: when your back stops seizing up.

Thankful for this because, well, life hurts hurts so much less this way.

Day 193: I can talk to my parents

I am really thankful that I can talk to my parents if I have something bothering me.

Day 194: naps

Oh, I am so thankful for naps. I've been staying up so late doing homework and naps help me feel better when I'm worn thin. 

What are you thankful for today?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Day 185: multiple drivers

Today I am thankful that we have multiple drivers in our family. That way when the person driving becomes tired or whatever someone else can take over. 

What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Day 184: unbrokenness

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." Revelation 21:4

Today I'm thankful that I don't have to be broken forever. The verse pretty much sums it up. Go read it in context for something really cool. :)

What are you thankful for today? 

If you don't get what I mean by unbroken or don't understand how to get there please email me at

Have a great evening. :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Days 182 & 183

Day 182: sun

When you get to your (cold) school early and a beam of sunlight is waiting for you at the place you'd intended on sitting. Ahhhhh. :)

Day 183: job

So I got a job today. I applied for it this morning and got it before 1:00 I believe. I am so thankful for the opportunity to work and earn money. So excited. :D

What are you thankful for today?

Monday, August 24, 2015

Day 178-181

Day 178: Bible study apps

Today I am thankful for Bible study apps. There are three apps that I use often.

The first one is Olive Tree. I use it most often for following along during sermons. It's great because there are many highlighting options and you can make notes within the text.

Accordance has a built in lexicon. It's not written in a way I'm familiar with but it does work offline. Also, you can search for a word and it will pull up every verse the word is used in.

The CBN Bible app is great but requires Internet access and is a little slow sometimes. You view one chapter at a time. In the sidebar there are pull down boxes with commentaries, a concordance, and a lexicon where you see information for the selected verses.

Day 179: the people of a certain nearby church

I'm thankful for those people because they donate bunches of stuff to the students from my school. Like laptops, cars, kitchen supplies, furniture, etc. Very, very thankful for all the needs of poor college students being met. God's good like that. :)

Day 180: when my brother makes breakfast

(And I'm running late). This happened to me a couple days ago. I was late and was going to the kitchen to find something to take with me as I ran out the door. And there was my brother, scrambling eggs. And he'd made some for everyone, I think. Very thoughtful brother. Love him bunches. :)

Day 181: sunshine

I like how it lights up everything and feels cheerful and warm.

What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Day 177: meeting new people

Because every new person is a potential friend. And learning people's stories is one of my favorite things. And because it makes me happy. 

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 176: family

Today I am thankful that I have a family. I'm thankful that I have someone to come home to.

What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Day 175: my sense of smell

I don't mean the sense of smell in general. I mean mine. Because I almost don't have one. Today I'm thankful for all those times when people complain about a bad smell and I can't smell it.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Day 174: I'm glad I'm not a housecat

We have two of them. Their lives consist of eating, sleeping, laying around not sleeping, moving to a new place to lay around, and occasionally being sick. As much as I love our cats, I'm so, so glad that I'm not one of them. I'm thankful that my life consists of more than being lazy. I'm thankful I'm not a housecat.

What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Days 153-173

Day 153: cool summer mornings

I'm thankful that the weather is cool enough in the morning to keep outdoor chores from being uncomfortable.

Day 154: registrar

I'm certain that my school has one of the best registrars in the country. She has spent so much time helping me get all my classes straightened out, transferring credits, answering questions, etc. so, so thankful for her :)

Day 155: free internet at places other than my house

It's really nice to be able to continue doing schoolwork even when I'm not at my house or school.

Day 156: when people offer to pay you for doing chores

Yay for opportunities to make money :) especially during my jobless summer.

Day 157: free summer stock

Because I like the theatre and free is my favorite price.

Day 158: when less people come to an event but it's still great

A smaller group offers a totally different flavor for a get together. Nice for a change, and I'm glad it worked out that people could come :) 

Day 159: breakthroughs

Today I'm thankful for breakthroughs: discoveries or revelations that change the way you see things.

Day 160: comfy shoes

I got new shoes today :) yay for replacing older not-so-comfy shoes.

Day 161: placemats

I am thankful for placemats because when I spill something it's easier to clean the placemat than the whole table.

Day 162: scholarships

Really thankful for the people who help provide for my education.

Day 163: debates

I've recently begun to appreciate the use of debates in politics in the US. If I watch the debates on TV I have a better idea of what the candidates stand for. So much easier than trying to sort through all the campaign stuff online.

Day 164: "Summer is waning"

My brother said that this morning. Being on the downhill slope of summer makes all that heat more bearable.

Day 165: pills

I'm not overly fond of pills, but on days when you can't chew tablets swallowable alternatives are a definite plus.

Day 166: youth minister

For the past three years or so our church has had a very good youth minister. He's taught the students about life and taken them deeper into the Scriptures. He's also been very inclusive. I've enjoyed working with him :) very thankful for who he is and what he's done in the lives of our young people.

Day 167: invisible disabilities

I'm thankful that my medical problems are not such that I have people staring at me.

Day 168: manual locks on car doors

Because when I lock it myself with my own hands I know it's locked. Yes, that's me, the person who has to lock the car with a beeper several times because I can't remember if I locked it or not. [insert eye roll/shrug]

Day 169: we got rid of our TV service

It's so nice not to have that box on as much :)

Day 170: my grandfather's place of residence

Another way of saying his house. Because "my grandfather's house's location" just seemed like too much. Anyways, he lives literally around the corner and I'm thankful that we can get to him quickly if we need to.

Day 171: running water 

I am really thankful that when I'm thirsty or need a shower or something I can just turn the water faucet on.

Day 172: electricity

Today I'm thankful for electricity. Because I can turn lights on and plug things in and etc.

Day 173: sound

The rhythmic thump of my feet on the boardwalk. The combined hum of various insects. The quiet murmur of people conversing at a distance. Sounds. They can be beautiful. And seldom do we take the time to listen. I took a walk today, and I'm glad I did. Thankful for sounds today.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Days 146-152

Day 153: air conditioning

Because summer is hot. 

Day 154: egg timers

Because sometimes I can't hear the laundry timer at the other end of the house and I can carry an egg timer around with me. Great Christmas present :)

Day 155: community colleges

So I can't make night classes and I need to take Spanish this year (but of course my school only offers it at night). Thankful for the local community college that is going to (probably--still finalizing) allow me to take Spanish online and transfer it in. Yay :)

Day 156: cousins

So I love my cousins. And last week they came over to hang out. And it was fun. I'm really thankful that I've been able to grow up being friends with at least some of my extended family.

Day 157: credits transferring

Once upon a time. I took some CLEPs before I went to college. But then they didn't transfer. And I lost a whole years worth of work and money. That was three years ago. Then last week I was trying to figure out my classes and I emailed the registrar and asked if they still didn't accept CLEP credits and she said she could look at them so I scanned copies of the documentation and Friday I got word that they accepted two of them. So now I have two less classes to take to graduate! And also was upgraded from a junior to a senior! And I haven't been this excited in a long time. I'm serious. #senioryear #wellseniorthreesemestersleft #party

Day 158: good news

I mean specific good news, not good news in general (although that is also great :D). Today I found out that a friend of mine is enrolling at my school for this next semester. Soooo excited! Wheeeeee!

What have you been thankful for this week?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Days 126-145

Day 126: a friend

I have this one friend who is kind of unexpected, in the way of friends. We have similar interests but our personalities are...very dissimilar. We do not react to things the same way (or often to the same things) and disagreements are not at all uncommon. Perhaps the most unusual thing about our friendship is the age gap. She is older than my parents. But she doesn't treat me like she is. That is what I'm thankful for. She does not allow our many differences to get in the way of being friends. And I'm so glad, because as it's turned out, she's one of my best friends. And I wouldn't want to do without her.

Day 127: fireworks at sunset

A confession: I've never really liked fireworks. And it's not the noise or the way you have to crane your neck to see them sometimes. My first distinct memory of fireworks I can recall is of watching them go up and seeing the trails of smoke left in the light of each successive firework. And I thought it was scarring the sky. I suppose I didn't understand about the smoke yet. This year it was really stormy the day of the Independence Day celebration and they moved the fireworks display forward nearly two hours. The sky was not dark at 8:00. It was sunset and the sky behind the fireworks was purple and orange. Fireworks look so different at sunset. And for the first time, I could see (and not just know) that the smoke trails float away after a bit leaving the sky clear to see the sunset and the stars. Sometimes it takes a different light to see beauty where you haven't before.

Day 128: the joys of being ill

Being ill is a wonderful thing. When you are ill you are waited on hand and foot and you are allowed to eat only what you feel like and to lie around in bed playing iPad games for hours. People make you tea and bring you ice and a bucket in case you become sicker than you are. You may shirk all your responsibilities and be lazy for how ever long your symptoms last. The thing I'm really thankful for is how my mom cares for me when I'm not feeling well. She makes sure I have everything thing I need and fetches things for me when I'm too weak or nauseous to get them for myself. So thank you, mom. I'm so glad you make sure to be there for me. And I much as I adore iPad games (mostly for their mind-numbingly, fast-paced repetitive quality) I'd rather be helping you in the kitchen.

Day 129: Excedrin (a letter)

Oh, Excedrin, thou art my one, my only. None other will do. Thou alone shalt ease my pain. I have spent time with others, but they simply art not my type. They hath not the way with them to comfort as much as thou (I thinkest it may be the presence of caffeine). Excedrin, thou lovely one, thou are the only one for me. I thank thee for they comforting presence when I am in need of thee. Nevertheless, I shalt dare hope I needest not meet thee so oft. 

Day 130: vacations

Today I'm thankful for vacations. Vacations mean that I get relax with my family and I get a break from chores and stuff. 

Day 131: cokes

Because they make me feel better when I'm sick

Day 132: family reunions

I like going to family reunions. I like getting to see relatives and hear stories and make friends...but mostly I like seeing how much my parents enjoy themselves.

Day 133: no carsickness

I am thankful for not getting motion sick easily. I have been motion sick only a handful of times, but it's enough to really enjoy being able to ride in a car without being nauseous.

Day 134: food swapping

"You going to eat those sweet potato fries?"
"You going to finish your pimento cheese?"
Let's swap"
I case you don't like (or can't finish) what you ordered.

Day 135: hungry brothers 

Thankful for being able to dispose of unwanted food while on the road without being wasteful

Day 136: God know what He's doing

"we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" -Romans 8:28

I am really thankful that even when I don't know what's going on, and I don't know where I'm going that God has a plan and will not fail to work it out.

Day 137: earbuds

I am thankful for earbuds because I can use them to watch my cartoons without feeling awkward for everyone being able to hear a twenty-something girl watching cartoons.

Day 138: finding things

I am thankful for being able to find things we've lost. The ability to think and retrace our steps. I'm thankful that we don't think something stops existing when we can no longer see it.

Day 139: consignment stores

(hand-me-downs that don't fit + consignment stores) (time) = money = school = graduation!

Day 140: hemming in...

"You hem me in, behind and before" -Psalm 139:5 (ESV)

I am thankful that God has the power to course-correct my life if I go the wrong direction.

Day 141: lozenges

Because sore throat. Less pain. Yay.

Day 142: cold care tea

The most awesomest stuff for making you feel better when you have a cold. Traditional Medicinals brand, says Gypsy Cold Care on the box if you want to know.

Day 143: go-between

I am thankful for being able to be one of the chain links in a chain from a person in need to help.

Day 144: falling leaves

Because the wind swoops them around all pretty-like and it makes me smile :D

Day 145: waiting time

Getting places early, car trips, etc. often leave time for...whatever you have time for. I am thankful for this waiting time because I can use it to finish getting ready or read or chat or anything. It's nice to have a few extra minutes.

So sorry to take so terribly long. I have been under the weather and then out of town and then under the weather and...what's happened to summer?!? Oh, well. We have fun anyway. :)

What have you been thankful for the past 20 days?'s some happy music for you for being good while I was gone. Because I can :) 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 125: moving on

Today I am thankful that I am not defined by the past. I do not have to be held back by things that I've gone through. I can be hurt and I can make mistakes, but I can learn from them and I can move past them. My past will only tie me down if I let it. So today I'm thankful for being able to move on and I'm thankful that my past does not have to define my future.

What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Day 124: iPad

Today I am thankful to have an iPad. Because it means I can write on the road like I am now. :) It also means that I can carry many books with me without added weight.

What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Days 114-123

Day 114: wisdom search

Wisdom Search is what we call our family devotions that we have in the mornings. I am thankful for wisdom search because it means we come together as a family to study the Scriptures. And also because it's taught me that getting up early in the morning is a good thing. And I get to see my dad before he goes to work in the morning :)

Day 115: advice

I am thankful that people (like parents) give me advice that I maybe don't like. Because they can see things that I miss, and they are often right. 

Day 116: game nights

I am thankful for game nights because I like to play games, I like to hang out with people, and it gives me a regular opportunity to see others whom I would not normally see if we didn't have game night.

Day 117: Dad

Today I am thankful for my dad. I am thankful for Dad because he provides for us, loves us, plays with us, is willing to keep creepy guys away from me, taught me how to drive (that was an adventure), likes to try new things with me, and a whole bunch of other reasons. But mostly, Dad, thanks for caring. Thank you for loving me enough to correct me and discipline me when I was a child, and for giving me advice now that I've grown. Thank you for everything you do and say (and don't do and say) to let me know you're there for me. You're a favorite of mine.

Day 118: sense of direction 

Because I like to know where I am. I am so, so thankful for this. I take this for granted a lot. Sunday we took Dad to a really huge Bass Pro shop and when it was time to leave I was able to help navigate out of there. And then I thought what if I couldn't do this. Yikes! Really glad I have a sense of direction.

Day 119: feeling better

I am feeling so much better than I was a couple weeks ago. I even had a friend over Tuesday.

Day 120: hand-me-downs

Reasons hand-me-downs win 10+ awesome points:
1) they usually consist of things I couldn't afford if I'd seen them in a retail store
2) I get to play dress up
3) I get to keep anything (everything!) I like free of charge
4) if something needs alteration, we can play around with it without losing money if we mess up
5) I can sort through it on my own time in the comfort of my own home 
6) I can walk right into my closet to see if a color matches what I already have
7) it's usually a surprise, and I like surprise gifts of new wardrobes

I could think of more reasons, but 7 seemed like the perfect number to stop at.

Day 121: a brother

I have a brother. You may know him as the Musician. I remember praying for a brother before he was born. I remember being so excited when I found out the new baby was going to be a boy. My brother is, I'm convinced, one of the best people on earth. I'm proud of the way he's growing up and I love that we've turned out to be pretty good friends. M: thanks for being the awesome guy that you are. I love you.

Day 122: when people respond negatively to RSVPs

Yeah, RSVPs. Those things that a lot of people don't use anymore but are actually super helpful. I greatly appreciate when people who said maybe call and say they can't come (although I'd rather them say they could). But I'm glad they let me know. Makes planning easier and I don't have to worry something tragic happened

Day 123: rain in summer

I am thankful for rain in summer because it cools things down. Yay for a break in the heat! :D

So this week I kept working on this post and I was a couple days behind from the previous weekend, but every day adds another topic which means more to write about and I wasn't able to catch up completely until today. I'm pretty sure nine days is a record for me. Hope that won't happen like that again :)

What are you thankful for today?
Did anybody find my joke?

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Days 111-113

Day 111: suggestions

Specifically suggestions that you wouldn't have thought of from people you wouldn't have thought to ask. Because other people know different things than me. 

Day 112: finding a good deal on something you were going to get anyway

Different from finding a deal on something you don't need, this kind of deal is cool because it often means getting more than you were expecting and/or for less than you were expecting to pay for it.

Day 113: baking soda

Because it seems like it can clean almost everything. Pretty cool :)

What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Day 110: my brother is a musician

Today I am thankful that my brother can play music. It sounds lovely and fills up the house. Right now a friend is over and they are practicing a piece for tonight's service. His music makes me happy. I am glad that I was able to grow up alongside a musician.

What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Day 109: jaw/mouth pain

Today I am thankful for the pain and discomfort I am experiencing due to my jaw joint problems and the means being used for correction. Thankful for pain? YES. Why?? 1) because it's slowly teaching me to choose my words carefully, something my dad often refers to as "economy of speech." Using the right words keeps one from having to talk more than necessary. 2) it keeps me focused on today. It can be kind of overwhelming at times to think about dealing with discomfort for weeks, but if I just concentrate on one day at a time it becomes much more manageable. And every day can be a good day when I take the day one step at a time without stressing over whether I got everything on my to-do list completed.

Have you ever had to work through anything difficult?
What are you thankful for today?

Friday, June 12, 2015

Day 108: air-conditioning

Today I'm thankful for air-conditioning. Because it's been hot outside. 

What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 107: indoor lavatories

For reasons of convenience, mostly. 'Nuff said.

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Days 105 & 106

Day 105: that I know how to use a stove

Today I'm thankful that I know how to use a stove. I am able to be independent in the kitchen and don't have to wait for someone to do it for me.

Day 106: looking young for my age 

To be frank, this is something I often have difficulty being thankful for. Nevertheless, I was reminded today that there are some benefits to looking 8-10 years younger than I actually am. Today I was trying to park in a parking space in front of a diagonal curb and for whatever reason I couldn't get it to go right. So eventually I hopped out and let my mom fix it. I then noticed that a man in a nearby car nodded at me and gave me a thumbs up. He thought I was a student driver. His reaction made my momentary incompetency funny rather than embarrassing.

What are you thankful for today?

Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 104: in sickness...

Today I am thankful that, although I do not feel my best, I am not sick with anything contagious. I can still go out among the "land of the living" as my mom says. I can still see people and do things. Being able to come out sometimes makes feeling uncomfortable less tedious.

What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Days 100-103

Day 100: second opinions

I love the ability to go to a different doctor and get a second opinion when I want to.

Day 101: heating pads

Because pain is a real thing. Headaches and such become significantly more tolerable with the application of heat.

Day 102: weddings

I am thankful for weddings. 1) because wedding=party=food 2) opportunity to visit with people. This doesn't happen all the time, but a friend of mine from school got married yesterday so many of my other school friends were there as well 3) weddings are celebrations. Celebrations of what? Of the beginning of a marriage, a life-long commitment. This mirrors the relationship between Christ and believers (see Ephesians 5:25-32).

Day 103: milkshakes 

For obvious reasons (general tastiness). But also because milkshakes are filling. Sometimes I can't open my mouth very far which really limits the type of food I can eat. With milkshakes I don't have to worry about still being hungry after I eat. (Some soups are good for this too, but I already covered soup). Lunch today was 32 oz of strawberry deliciousness from Sonic.

What do you like about weddings?
What do you like to eat when you don't feel well?
What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 99: mild summer weather

Yes, I know it's only June, but hot and humid summers are something I'm very familiar with. Today it was nice enough to sit outside. In fact, I had to come in after a few minutes because it got kind of chilly. I've been enjoying the weather while it's good :)

What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 98: people with the same sense of humor as me

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine"
Proverbs 17:22

Today I am thankful for when people have a sense of humor similar to mine. My sense of humor can be kind of...quirky? And I literally know two people who have similar senses of humor. Not that I can't or don't appreciate other senses of humor, but it's really awesome when someone actually gets (read: cracks up over) the humor in something when normally you're the only one in the group who would think it was funny. So cool. Anyway, that's what I'm thankful for today.

Do you know anyone who shares your sense of humor?
What are you thankful for today?

Monday, June 1, 2015

Days 96 & 97

Day 96: VBS

Because it's one of my favorite weeks of the year. I love helping out with everything.

Day 97: toothbrushes and toothpaste 

Because walking around all day with bad breath would be really awful. 

What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Day 95: washing machines

Today I am really, really, really thankful for washing machines. Because I've been doing laundry for about six hours (finally on the last load) and thinking about how easy it is as opposed to literally scrubbing every garment on a washboard out in the hot sun. 

What are you thankful for today? :D

Friday, May 29, 2015

Days 91-94

Day 91: that there wasn't any meat in our fridge when it went out this week

Because throwing out bad mayo, pickles, pesto, homemade strawberry jam, and other foodstuffs is bad enough already (Think world's worst suicide drink right there in your kitchen). So glad I didn't have to clean up any stinky, rotting meat.

Day 92: that my family can have fun together

So I mentioned our fridge went out? Freezer meals and eating out have abounded. Family fun includes "dancing" to music at a local McAlister's. Very thankful for my folks :)

Day 93: getting to visit with a friend I haven't seen in almost a year

Should speak for itself, but if it doesn't, think about coffee shops, long conversations, and "how has God been showing you grace." 

Day 94: rearranging my room

Or: my room's new arrangement. I am so, so thankful for this. Mainly because my bedside table is now actually beside my bed instead of at the foot. That, and I'm pretty sure I've been planning to do this since last summer, so it's nice to check something off my to-do list.

Anything ridiculous, crazy, or normal happen to you guys?
What are you thankful for today?

Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 90: texting

Today I am thankful for texting. Mostly because it keeps me from having those really awkward phone conversations. That and I can still receive text messages in situations where it would be really awkward to have to get up to answer a phone call.

What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 89: internet

Today I am thankful for the Internet. It's really great for research and keeping in contact with other people, along with other uses.

What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 88: cups

Aren't you glad that when you need a drink you don't have to drink out of your hands or try to catch it with your mouth? 

What are you thankful for today?

Friday, May 22, 2015

Day 87: trash cans

Trash cans are not something I'm overly fond of. I will go to great lengths to avoid touching one. But with out them, the trash would be out of the can rather than inside it. Therefore, I'm thankful for trash cans.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Days 79-86

Day 79: my hairdresser

My hairdresser is awesome. I never thought I would have a hairdresser, but I've realized that my naturally curly hair can be kind of difficult if not taken care of properly. So she taught me how to take care of it and made my life that much easier. Yay for fewer bad hair days :) and she's fun to talk to. Going to get my haircut used to be really awkward, but it isn't any more.

Day 80: food

I am really, really thankful that there are things I can put in my belly to stop it from hurting. 

Day 81: clean clothes 

When the semester winds down I often find myself cutting corners. Like doing laundry. There have been several times in the past few weeks when I've gone into my room to find a neatly folded stack of clean clothes. I've done my own laundry for years, so finding clean clothes in my room when I thought I was going to have to dig through the little used section of my closet for the rest of the semester is beyond appreciated. Thank you Mom! 

Day 82: visits from family

My uncle and aunt came down for a visit this Sunday. It was great to see them. I look forward to visits from family and am thankful for the opportunity to catch-up, hang out, and tell stories and stuff.

Day 83: claw clips

Claw clips are some of the best put-up/take-down things I can do for my hair. It's really easy to put my hair up, and when I take it down I don't have a lump like I do with ponytails. 

Day 84: when things go better than you think they will

So, for my teaching final I had to watch a video of myself teaching and critique it. I kind of put it off a little bit. Fortunately, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I actually kind of enjoyed listening to myself be excited about what I was teaching. 

Day 85: invitations

I am thankful for when people randomly say things like this:

Brother: what time is our ride going to be here?
Me: 12:30
Friend: I can take y'all home if you want. I'm going that way anyway.
Me: yeah, that would be great, thank you. 
Friend: I have to stop by Cracker Barrel on the way, though.

Yay for really backwards lunch invites. :)

Day 86: eyesight

Today I'm really thankful that I can see. There is a lot of beauty around that I would miss if I couldn't see. Like the colors, the way trees move in the wind, animals, children, etc.

Thanks for hanging on through exams. My school is out now, so things'll be looking up :)

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Days 76-78

Day 76: the advent of summer

Today I'm thankful for the advent of summer. I was never really fond of summer growing up, but since I started going to college I've discovered that summer is a very wonderful thing indeed. I am looking forward to summer very much. Summer means no schoolwork and the opportunity to spend time with my family and doing other things that I don't have much time for during the school year. It also means lower stress levels, which in turn mean less headaches.

Day 77: seeing my friends succeed

I am also thankful for being able to see my friends succeed. Recently, one of my friends was chosen to represent his class by preaching in chapel in front of the whole school. I was very pleased to be able to support him by coming to see him preach. He did a great job, by the way. I also have several friends graduating this semester. I am happy to be able to celebrate their achievements with them. It makes me happy to see them happy.

Day 78: good memories

I am thankful for good memories of deceased loved ones. While my aunt was over at dinner tonight, she pointed out that although we miss our loved ones, it is a good thing that we miss them. Because that is a sign we loved each other and had a good relationship. We were able to take advantage of the time that we had with them, and as a result, have many good memories. 

What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Days 69-75

Wow. I can hardly believe it's been a whole week since I posted last. My school semester will be out soon and I plan to begin posting more regularly at that point. 

Day 69: when people give me tips for school work

One of the best tips I ever got was on a method for paper writing (Outline the paper, plug quotes into the outline, interact with the quotes). I can honestly say that had I not been given this advice I would have had no idea where to start.

Day 70: when computers in the library work 

Because they don't always work. But when they do, life is so much easier:)

Day 71: finished projects 

I finished my paper, book report, and article review. Whoohoo! Summer, here I come!

Day 72: the word "yet"

Yes, I am thankful for a three-letter word called yet. In fact, yet may be one of my very favorite words. This is why: I've had some medical difficulties in the past that made some ordinary, everyday tasks hard. There were many things I couldn't do. It was so easy to say "I can't pick that up" or "I can't perform that task." I've found that the little word yet can be a real game changer. You add it on to the end of your "I can't" and all of a sudden "I can't do push-ups" becomes "I can't do push-ups...yet." Yet adds hope. Yet turns disappointment into aspiration. Yet turns "I can't" into "one day I will." So try it. Start adding yets at the end of I cants. "I can't speak Spanish...yet." "I can't run that fast...yet." "I can't use a can opener...yet." Go ahead, try it :)

Day 73: surprise visits 

So I teach English as a Second Language from time to time. My Dad surprised me by coming by to watch me teach this past week. It totally made my day. Thank you Daddy!

Day 74: sleeping in

When staying up till the wee hours of the morning becomes a necessity, any opportunity to sleep in is very, very much welcome. 

Day 75: my mother

I love my mother. My mom is one of my best friends. She has always been there for me, ever since always. :) She is there for me to talk to when I need advice, or a shoulder to cry on, or when I just want to share something funny. I love spending time with her. I am so thankful that she was there for me all the while I was growing up. And I'm thankful that as I've gotten older we've also become friends. I treasure my mother. She is one of my favorite people in the world. And I'm not just saying that. 

What can't you do...yet?
So what are you thankful for today?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Days 64-68

Day 64: skipping class

I am really thankful for being able to skip class if I have to. Very helpful during the end of the semester. 

Day 65: postponed homework 

A paper I thought was due Tuesday is due Thursday. Woohoo! 
Guess what I'm writing on :)

Day 66: laptop

I'm thankful for having my own laptop. I do have to share with my brother right now, but it's so much better than having to share with the whole family or going to the library. And I didn't pay for it either. It was a very much needed gift from some awesome people (none of whom I think I know personally) who go to a nearby church.

Day 67: showers

I think kids typically dislike these, but showers, and being able to get clean after working, are wonderful things.

Day 68: get-togethers

I am thank for opportunities to have get-togethers with friends, eat food, fellowship, and play crazy games, just cause.

Sorry for not posting more often. Once I get finals behind me things will be a lot less busy.
Also, I created a new page, "Eilís who?" It's towards the top of the sidebar. Let me know what you think :)
What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Days 62-63

Day 62: good reports

Today I'm thankful for good doctor's reports. Step-down on medication, lung capacity significantly increased.

Day 63: school conferences

I'm also thankful for school conferences. Today that means class is cancelled this afternoon. Extra time for homework, unrushed lunch, and hangout with friends :) good times

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day 61: pockets

Today I am thankful for pockets. Especially on dresses and skirts. Especially pockets that are big enough and comfortable enough to put things in. :D

What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Days 57-60

Day 57: water bottles

Not the kind that you buy at the grocery store, but a travel mug version of a water bottle. I left mine in the car Thursday and was really missing it. It's great to be able to carry a cool drink around with you. I like to fill mine all the way up with ice before putting water in it.

Day 58: people who randomly pay for my dinner

I am thankful for people who randomly pay for my dinner. Even if it's the result of a joke or something. Spontaneous generosity is appreciated. 

Day 59: pleasant surprises

Like going out to breakfast and trying something new only to discover it includes one of your favorite ingredients. (Big Baja Benedict at Perkins...with pepper jack cheese!). Or finding a long lost favorite CD somewhere and listening to it in the car :)

Day 60: wind

"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit." John 3:8

I love how it makes the trees dance...and the way it sounds and the way it feels. And something about the way it makes it very difficult for me to concentrate on homework. 

So, school's getting ready to wind down for the semester, and I'm busy. I know I haven't been super regular about posting, but I've covered all the days so far. 

How are you all doing?
What are you thankful for today?

Have a great weekend :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Days 55 & 56

Day 55: whistling

Today I am thankful for the ability to whistle. I don't remember particularly who taught me to whistle, although it think it may have been my grandfather, but I have a vague recollection of frustration at not being able to whistle. Anyways, I like to whistle. I whistle fairly often. And I'm very glad I can do it :)

Day 56: library

Today I'm also thankful for libraries. I love being able to go and check out all kinds of books. I am particularly fond of the library at my school. It is quiet and peaceful. And it has a really nice couch. I easily spend 8-10 hours a week in there.

So, today it's unseasonably cool out. And I'm in the school library studying for an upcoming exam.

What are you up to?
What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Days 53 & 54

Day 53: composure 

Sometimes things can be awkward. And today I'm thankful for the ability to retain my composure in awkward situations.

Day 54: tea

Today I am also thankful for tea. Because it's warm, comes in a variety of flavors, and can often be used as a natural remedy. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Day 52: sleep

"he giveth his beloved sleep." 
Psalm 127:2

Today I am thankful for sleep. First, because I'm tired. But mostly, because it is amazing to me how sleeping can make me feel better. Physically and emotionally.

Did any of you catch the irony of my use of Psalm 127:2 considering that I'm up writing this at 11:50pm? :P
What are you thankful for today?